For some reason, I enjoy following The Crochet Dude, just because it's so different that a guy enjoys working with yarn.  But his designs and creations are over the top COOL, even though I've never tried working one of his designs.  But I noticed that one of his venues was Lulu.com for self-publishing his stuff.

So the "Wishbone" has made its way over there now for purchase.  Yeah, I'm just trying to keep up with "The Dude".  
Only a couple things to report on today, but they are FUN ones!  Got the shipment of new fabrics from Fabric.com while I was home for lunch today.  Check out the Michael Miller ones on the left!!!  Aren't they the best yet?  A.D.O.R.E. them!  But as I brought the box in, Bill noses in and asks if it's our leather shipment yet.  Do you think he's excited about the leather idea or WHAT?  :)
Those three flowers you see kind of in the middle are actually made from large sequins and will look fantastic on purses or totes.  So many ideas.....  But anyway, back to my story.  I have a co-worker who enjoys many different crafts and it is always so much fun to talk about different ideas, projects and, well, let's just say she is one lady with a HUGE heart.  Another gal at work asked her to make a specialized bracelet and this is what she brought in today!  Is this not the cutest baseball mom bracelet ever?  Team colors and charms to make it personal.  Still trying to convince her to join me in a fall craft fair - she SHOULD!  These are perfect.......
This designers name is Madeline - and she needs some encouragement to keep up the great work!  Now she needs a name to put to her things, right?  
Yet another venue...... time to get to work on some other things now.
It's... by tygerlily
Check it out!  I've joined the Unique Indie Shops and am advertising over on their website!  Take a look - there are some AWESOME artisans over there and the creativity is over the top.  I feel honored to be accepted into the group and able to put my web store ad right on their front page of rotating artisans.
OK, it was a long day and the old gal is exhausted.  But I did just have to share this exciting news.

Blessings and GET CREATIVE!
This particular fleece has been a joy to work with as it's not as heavy or bulky as some.  Debbie Mumm fleece works great for these projects and glad I have some of her other fleece to use for blankets down the road.

This one is a commissioned job and have got nearly 4.5 rounds done out of the five.  I think the daintiness of this edge is perfect for the larger block design of the fleece.  Hope she likes the end result!

Got notification that one of the mini's made it into an Etsy Treasury called "Blue Monday".  Now THAT's cool and I had to post so I don't forget all these blessings later on....

Check it out..... "Blue Monday"
There are eight (8) new listings on Etsy.  Complete.  Done.  Written up.  Put out there.  The gazillion photos can now be erased off the camera.  Time for some eye and mind relaxation...... does that mean sleep?  Could be!

See, I'm too lazy to even put up the links to the Etsy items.  Deal wid' it.  :)  Look at the scrolling boxes down on the right side - you'll get there is you want.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of good things.

Blessings and get creative!
A bit of a softer side to the Triple Flip......
Update:  Two times around the baby blanket got done last night while watching (listening) an old Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews and Henry Fonda movie called "Daisy Kenyon".  Wanted to smack Dana Andrews' character every time he called someone 'babe' though.  Decent flick.
Meet........ The Triple Flip!  I think that's what these can be called so they have a general name when I train Bill on how to sell 'em.  Right?  HA!

I almost have it down and can't wait to do MORE!  This one is even better than the first, but I can always do better-er.  It's in the genes, can't help it.

This fabric is SO gorgeous and can't wait until tomorrow when the sun comes out, hopefully, so a good photo can be taken.  The camera doesn't always do the best job, or is it the operator?  Hmmmmm

That photo is at kind of a weird angle and not focused too good, but right now neither am I.  LOL  The blue pen has GOT to go because it just plain looks bad.  No question.  And that pocket on the top left side?  Yeah, you could fit your iPhone in it.  It's that deep.

OK, I'm off to watch an old movie and get once around that baby blanket with the base row of crochet.  Good night, sleep tight and let's make tomorrow the best day yet.
The idea worked!  Saw something sort of like this on the web, but didn't really like how the pen holder worked with the other one.  But this will work - even BETTER than elastic, ribbon or whatever.  The next one will be even better because the first is always a learning experience, right?  I like spines on smaller things, and this one has a real spine, but it's still pliable.  No board or cardboard in this one.  And THREE pockets, baby!  THREE!  Some are hidden under the notepad, but they're there.  So I think I'll go try my hand at one more of these, tweek it a little and be back posting in a couple of hours.  Here we go!
