I'm getting some constructive criticism on this new blog and how it's not working for those who pull it up and want to actually read it.  So someone, yeah me, will have to do some real soul searching to see if this is really the venue I want to use to continue my blogging.

Please leave comments if you are having any problems, or even if you are NOT having problems reading or seeing photos.

Didn't think this would be part of my 'madness' in March!  LOL

Day #3 in my March Madness was just that!!!  Crazy, wacky, madness!!!  And I adored every minute of it.  There wasn't one item in my crafting line-up that got touched, but wowzers the day was full.

I'll settle for the great meeting that started off the day, then meeting up with my daughter and her 2 year old youngest boy, getting to work early and honestly working my tail off!  Wish we could do that literally, but hey, such is life.  :)  Now that I'm home, it's time to spend a little time with the man and watch American Idol.  Yes, we're hooked.

But tomorrow is Day #4 plus it's FRIDAY!  That will put a little more spring in my crafty step for sure.  Keep watching over the weekend as I hope to fill up the weekend with photos, works in progress, ideas, and just a lot of MARCH MADNESS!!  
Day two isn't going to bring a lot of news yet this morning.  This is Wednesday, which always follows Tuesday - my long day at work.  Not a lot of creative juices are working when coming home on a Tuesday evening.  

But that doesn't stop the mind from running in overdrive the minute I wake up on Wednesday morning!  

I keep seeing this golf sweater in my head.  It's sitting in there getting mulled over.  This has to be tackled next.  Spring will be here soon, and this will be perfect for those gals who not only love to golf, but like to carry something a little different and off the beaten path.  And an $84 dollar vest just HAS to come out functional, different and with a little flair, don't ya think?

So keep watching as the GOLF VEST gets a major overhaul this week.

Day #1 of my March Hare Madness belongs to this little hoodie sweater that is being knit for a co-workers' relative.  I have worked this pattern before and it came out adorable then, but have switched to a different yarn (City Tweed DK by Knitpicks) on this one and it's absolutely delightful!  Isn't the habanero (sp) color the best ever?  This picture is the back of the sweater, which hasn't been touched in a few weeks, but it's back in the works.

The pattern was purchased from PatternFish as an electronic download.  Check out their site as it has some top quality knit and crochet patterns to choose from.  It was hard to pick, but this Sirdar pattern is wonderful.

This is a picture of the first little Sirdar hoodie that was worked up last spring as a baby gift for this same co-worker.

She was so sweet by throwing me a picture on my phone of her cutie pie modeling it this winter!

Makes it all worthwhile - love to see smiles.  :)

I'm SO excited to wake up this morning and get things rolling!  Get my normal routine going by letting the dogs out, read the fun stuff that came on the Blackberry overnight and made the coffee.  HAVE to make the coffee.  I knew we were running low so picked up another can this last weekend, but really folks......... how can I possibly throw this huge plastic container away?  Isn't there something that can be made from this?  It's big, it's sturdy, it's got a gripper handle, and it smells like coffee!  If Bill sees it in the trash,  he will pull it back out again and ask me if I'm sure this should be thrown away, and I'll hear "Can't you MAKE something out of this?" So help me out here - I could use some brilliant ideas from you all. You can either post it here on the blog, or use the contact form.

As I mentioned earlier, I went through my Blackberry to get up to speed on all the happenings that go on while we sleep.  There are many thank you's that are going out with this post today.  Wonderful feedback on the new site, an actual sale from the journal store....... all sorts of good stuff.

Here is a screen shot of me working on this site.  I can't tell you how user friendly this place is compared to the others I've tried and used.  For me to be able to sit and with 4 total hours of work have it up and working the way we wanted, is a total blessing!

So y'all click around, check things out, drop me a line or attach a comment.  

And PLEASE help me figure out something to do with that plastic Folgers container so I don't have to wrap it in a rug and put it in the trunk of my car!!  :)

Day #1 of March Hare Madness