After a night of no sleep, I decided to just get up and do something, anything!  It's better than laying in bed fighting it.  So I got up at dark o'clock (yeah, maybe minus-dark-o'clock) and tried doing another mini receipt holder, only this time making it a little bit bigger to accommodate some of the cutting dies I have for envelopes and mini pocket folders.  Well, as it turned out, I was about 3/8" off the new style - too SMALL!  I could have dealt with too big.  Not sure how to fix this one, and I'm not even going to show you a picture it came out that awful.  But that's what the drawing board is for - to fix and re-calculate.

Let's just hope that this isn't going to start a new trend around here, so we won't even go there, right?

Need the mojo back!  And like Scarlet always says - EVERY time I see that movie  - "For tomorrow is another day!"  Yep, there I go quoting from movies again.  

Happy creating, everyone!  Don't ever give up, you never know what you might just end up with.  
So the picture in my head IS quite doable.  After messing around with this most of the morning I can see that this is something that is very achievable to place in my store.  
Get the idea?
I see horrible mistakes, but the next one will be perfect. Well, let's say better, shall we?
File folder is a tad too wide and my folding was atrocious! My sister would be embarrassed of me. Glad she's on a cruise right now.
Bill comes home for lunch and I'm so excited to show him this, and do you know what he said?  "Now THAT'S really neat!  Would be a good tool for keeping mileage and gas receipts."  Yep, that's my man.  Isn't he something?
This little guy has been in my head for over a week.  Figured that I'd start on a good prototype while I did the ironing this morning (since I'm not scheduled to work until later).
Here is the outside and I'm pretty happy with the way this part turned out.  The fabric is adorable and hopefully it has been embellished just the right way.  As prototypes go, it really is going well!  So the next one will be better, I hope, as there are extensive notes on paper and in my head for improvements (hopefully).

It's not finished yet because there is one more element to this whole project that I still need to figure out how to do.  But I will!  Maybe in this picture of the inside, you can tell how small it is.  I accidentally left the tape measure off to the side.  It's only 6" tall and is made to hold the mini legal pads.  And that pen is a short stubby thing so it's perfect.

So keep an eye out for the extra little ZING this puppy is going to get on the left side of the interior.  Fun stuff!

On the way to the wrestling meet (of which our grandson took 2nd Place Trophy) today, I had to stop at Michael's and Bill wanted to visit Trader Joe's.  Nice way to get things done fast is to split up and run.  :)  Needed iron on letters for a project and what do I find but a SALE in the iron-on aisle!  And before we even left for the meet, I'd sold a pattern to one of my knitted handbags on Etsy, so I knew there were a couple extra dollars to have fun with at the craft store.  

I have a couple of medium sized notebooks in line to make that have a MARTINI theme to them, and what do you think I found?  YEP!  You got it - the perfect little extra for the binders, and on sale to boot.  
So now it's time to go sit with Bill and watch the movie he's rented:  "Apocalypse Now".  We've seen it a gazillion times, but it's been awhile.   And you all know me enough by now that I won't really watch it, but I'll be doing something else and enjoying the music in the movie.  Yeah, I think I can handle The Doors tonight.  :)
Yes, at noon today, the arduous work of redesigning that Pendleton vest into a tote bag is complete - AND listed.  I have signed off on it.
Keep your eyes peeled today for the reveal of that golf vest tote!  It's going to end up having a little ditty bag to match - just big enough for hold some important things you might just need zipped up inside the tote.

Can't wait to show you all!
Want you all to remember how it started out as a true to life golfer's knitted vest.
     As you know, I found a VERY expensive Pendleton knitted golf vest last weekend at a price I could not refuse.  No, I didn't purchase it to wear it - so get that thought out of your brain immediately.  :)       
     But I wanted to show you a little time line in my creative process today in transforming a new knitted vest into a one of a kind tote bag - a TygerLily original with no pattern, just rulers and a little experience under my belt.
Pad the thing down.....
SOOOOOOO scared to cut a sweater. YIKES!!!
Looks like a boat.......
It's making some progress here.....
Pieces and parts.....
The guts or shell...
Realizing I'm copying my own pattern! HA! This is a larger version of my own favorite sweater remake that I carry every day.
Do I throw the rest of the vest away? Is that being wasteful? tee hee
A little TygerLily wooden dangle for fun....
Finished but for the hand stitching around the inside top.
Hopefully this looks like a visual tutorial with limited sub-titles.  It's almost finished - handwork is all that is left.  But this old dog is tired.  This one wore me to a frazzle.  But I accomplished something, and it's my own design.  

Until we meet again...............
So Marcy asked, "How's the golf vest re-do coming?"  I never expected what was to come next.  
The golf vest is sitting on the extra bed.... letting it try on different handles, fabrics, etc.  It just wasn't happy with the fabrics I brought out, so it whispered to me, "Go look in the storage room and it will come."  LOL  OK, so I steal lines from movies once in awhile.  I'm thinking that I could look through my handle stash while in there, and then I remembered there were two totes that haven't been opened since we moved here 2 years ago.  LOOK AT THIS MOTHERLOAD of FABRIC!!!!  There's plaids, stripes, florals, kids, tye-dyes, themed..... it's extensive!  I about started screaming for joy, but decided to grab the camera first so I never EVER forget this treasure.  I got so much flack when we moved about all the totes of yarn that I'd forgotten about my fabric stash.  God is SO good!  I could have eBay-ed all this stuff before the move, but decided not to.  God knew!  He'd had plans for it all.  But anyway, the perfect denim popped out amongst all of this and the golf vest will now be happy. Oh, and the perfect handles appeared from the storage room, too.  

I heard my phone ringing upstairs (no, not smart enough to actually take it with me downstairs) and after missing the call, what does my dear one ask me?  He says, "Well, aren't you going to send a freebie along with that sale you just made?"  Always the salesman he is.  And yes, he's right.  It may not happen all the time, but a freebie it shall be.  So out comes my paint and the last of my mini's.  After this dries, fabric will get decoupaged on.

So back to the padded room I go.  :)
While we ran a couple of errands, you know, like to pay rent (not late, whew) and grab a set of colored pencils at the store JUST in case a sale could happen at the Junction, I come home to an email that said I made the sale!  The Journal Junction was rocking my little world this morning!  The buyer started a convo wondering about lined paper and pencils instead of drawing paper and crayons.  What a perfect thought!  So now I had the pencils just in case, and then it happened.  Sweet sweet sale.  Even my hubby got involved in this one.  He wanted the pencils to be in perfect color order.  So I will get the front personalized tomorrow for her, and ship it out on Monday to the east coast.  Can we say I'm just a little thrilled?  Not the best picture because of lighting, but you get the point, right?  Oh, yeah!  Party on, Garth!

     So the weekend BEGINS!  My computer desk is actually looking much better after the last two hours of paying bills, balancing a very thin checkbook, and filing the mountain of a pile of paperwork that's been building up.  If you watch me on Facebook, you'll know that I've requested a maid.  tee hee  But this is what I see every morning when I check emails, FB and my favorite blogs.  Now that this picture is posted, the camera can get charged back up for a weekend of crafting.
     Maybe you can see in the picture all the journals I've done over in the wicker basket and on the side cabinet.  Bill's antique clock has sat in that very position for over 10 years on this desk, but he never winds it, so ignore the time it's telling because it's way earlier than that.  :)  .....a calendar, my Bible, an extra ethernet cord (we don't have wi-fi), an old pair of glasses that are at least 10 years old (for emergencies) and of course my coffee - what more could a gal want?  Oh, I KNOW!  I want two days of blissful crafting, sewing, knitting or crocheting!  
     The checkbook shook it's gnarly head at me today and said NO to the Shark floor steamer we so need.  But another time, right?  God gave me hands and knees to use, so we'll see if I can use Bill's.  HA!!!!!!
The camera is now going to go get charged, and it's time to put on my weekend uniform (fat pants and sweatshirt) and get this MADNESS party started!  Keep watching - it could be a lot of fun.